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Thursday, 31 August 2017

4 Ways to Offer Proof in Your Online Marketing Claims

No matter how honest you are with your marketing efforts, consumers aren’t so quick to accept your claims without proof. When you say that your product or service offers a specific benefit, consumers want some sort of evidence that backs your claims.

Including proof isn’t hard. It’s an extra step, but it can go a long way towards increasing conversion rates. From customer testimonials to verifiable statistics, learn how to offer proof in your marketing.
Customer Testimonials

The most used and well-known form of proof is customer testimonials. The concept is simple. You’re including actual comments from people that have actually used your products or services.
There are multiple ways to obtain these testimonials and to use them in your marketing. For obtaining comments and testimonials, consider the following options:
  • Social media comments
  • Ask for customer feedback
  • Offer free evaluations
The easiest solution is to pull social media comments. Look for positive comments and reviews about your products or services on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites.
Another option is to ask for customer feedback. Send a survey out to your customers via email and ask for their input.
Just make sure that you let them know that their comments will be used in your marketing material. You can even include a section to allow them to choose whether they want their name to be used.
Some businesses send out free products or services and ask for customer feedback. When using these evaluations, you need to mention the fact that the customers received the product for free.
Along with obtaining testimonials, there are different ways of displaying them. The methods listed above are among the easiest. But, you could also film customer testimonials.
Think of the last infomercial that you’ve seen. They always include customers on film discussing what they liked about the product or services.
You can film customer testimonials and include them on your landing pages. Though, that’ll require a little more work than the other options.
Online Reviews and Ratings

The next form of proof is similar to customer testimonials. Using online reviews and ratings from review sites, you can offer potential customers proof that people have used and enjoyed your products or services.
Adding these reviews to your landing pages or marketing material is different from customer testimonials. You would normally include a summary of these reviews and then link to the actual page containing the reviews.
Showcase Badges or Certifications

Certifications, badges, and seals can also be used to offer proof of your abilities. You’ll see these certificates at the bottom of various landing pages.
This could include BBB accreditation, awards, and other proof that builds credibility. These should always link to a page where visitors can learn more about the certificate or badge.
Link to Stats and Figures

The majority of the previous steps are aimed at showing proof of your abilities or the effectiveness of your products or services. This last step is designed to show that you know what you’re talking about.
For example, if you claim that more people now use mobile devices for browsing the web, you should link to a study or a web page that backs up this claim.
Offering proof is becoming increasingly important. It helps prospects weed out the scams. Without this simple step, you could be missing out on a portion of the marketplace.
Use these suggestions to offer proof of any claims that you make. If you’d like to have access to more powerful marketing solutions, along with a method for generating conversion-ready internet marketing prospects each month, then click here to learn about my done-for-you system.

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Tony Robbins Reveals The Ultimate Resource To Change Your Life

10000 Leads

Spy on Matt Lloyd’s marketing: see where he gets his leads.
This program will show you how to get 10,000 leads in 100 days (or less):
… without a big ad budget
… without “hacker-like” computer skills
… without any of your own products
… without an existing list
You will get a new video every day that will show you how to generate new leads for your list that will BUY.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling.

5 Tips to Instantly Boost Conversion Rates

A low conversion rate will waste your efforts to drive traffic to your website.

 If you can get a thousand people to visit a landing page, you’ll only get 10 new leads if your conversion rates are at 1%.

Typically, if you’ve got low conversion rates, there are just a few areas that need to be tweaked. By making a few small adjustments, you can instantly begin improving the percent of people that complete the desired action on your landing page.

Here’s 5 tips for instantly boosting your conversion rates.

Get Rid of the Jargon
You first need to get rid of the jargon on your landing page. People don’t respond to phrases and words that they don’t understand.
When you’re writing sales copy, you want people to understand your message. Keep it simple.
You need to get rid of the fluff. Here’s a few examples of jargon that needs to be eliminated:

  • State-of-the-art

  • High-quality

  • Powerful

  • Ultimate

These fluff words don’t need to be added, if you have a real value to offer your visitors. Instead of stating that you’ve got a “high-quality product”, you might state that you’ve got a “product that will change how you handle…”

Decide How Your Product is Different
You also need to know how your product or offer is different from your competition. You should never state the obvious in your copy. Instead, focus on what sets you apart. Otherwise, you’re focusing on what makes you the same as everyone else.
For example, if you sell tax preparation software, you wouldn’t list “helps you prepare taxes” as one of the benefits of your software. This is a given.
By focusing on the strengths, you can set yourself apart from the rest of your competition.

Address the Most Common Objections
Write a list of reasons why people may be hesitant to make a purchase on your website. Be honest and come up with the most common objections.
For example, people may be hesitant to purchase from an unqualified source. To address this, you need to explain why you’re qualified to offer your product or service.
Another common objection is that your product may not work for every customer. To address this objection, you should include a variety of customer testimonials.
Write the list of objections and then address them, one at a time. Use this list as a checklist that you go over before going live with your landing page.

Keep it Short
Keep it short. This applies to everything on your landing page. The words, sentences, and paragraphs should all be short. This makes your content easier to read.
Most people don’t read every single line in a sales ad or landing page. They skim through it. Break up your content and use shorter paragraphs.

Make it Easy to Complete the Next Step
Another solution for improving conversion rates is to make it easy for your visitors to complete the next step. Whether you’re having them subscribe to your email list or register for a webinar, the form they fill out needs to be short.
Typically, you should only include the required fields in your form. This includes name and email address. You really shouldn’t require more than 3 or 4 fields. Beyond this, conversion rates start to drop.

These are just a few tips for increasing your conversion rates. You should also try using A/B split testing to try different headlines and calls to action.

Along with these tips, you can gain even more internet marketing suggestions, and a way to generate more sales leads, by clicking here to learn about my done-for-you system.

Calling Men and women typically 35+ who want to look younger with the convenience of an all-natural capsule that reduces ceramides lost with age.


Review of Phyto350

Stars: Five Stars

Great skin starts on the inside. A lot of folks lose track of that in their endless quest to look young and vibrant but it's true. Ceramides are the lipids (fats) that occur naturally in skin. They make up almost 40% of skin's structure and you lose them with age. Cue the wrinkles, fine lines, and older skin that add years to the face you present to the world.
Phyto350 is a top-rated phytoceramides supplement. Never heard of phytoceramides? They're plant-derived ceramides that allow clients to put this missing structure back in their skin. They've been hugely popular since Dr. Oz declared them a quick way to "fake a facelift". That's when everyone in the health community jumped on board with their own phytoceramides.
Yet Phyto350 leads the pack.

The Product: Phyto350 by Skinception

A Skinception product, Phyto350 lets you fill in wrinkles and fine lines from the inside, with tiny molecules that stimulate better skin at the cellular level. These molecules absorb into the bloodstream, from where they permeate into all layers of skin. A different approach than many people take? You bet - but it's a highly effective one.
Phyto350 has a few more aces in its hand. It's formulated with skin-nurturing vitamins A, C, D and E, which any dermatologist will tell you are poetry for your skin. This is good news for you, the consumer, because you'll get better results with Phyto350.
Define 'better' results as at least a decade younger. The clients I've spoken with are ecstatic with Phyto350. They look amazing and feel like it too. And if you're in the market for the same, you need to check out Phyto350.  

Phyto350 is awesome. The reports coming in are that it's fast and very effective.

  Among its many good points:
  • Fill in wrinkles
  • Works from the inside
  • Advanced (plant-derived) skin-friendly formula
  • A 60 day money-back guarantee
  • The Skinception name
It's painless too - you're not actually doing a facelift. You're just rejuvenating your skin from the inside out with an all-natural formula that replenishes a structure that constitutes up to 40% of your skin.
Most folks lose ceramides with age. But Phyto350 clients get them back, and look great for their effort.

Bad Points:

Not too many with Phyto350, however, bear in mind you can't buy it in stores. That's a little inconvenient:
  • Not available in stores
  • Can be difficult to get
When I say 'can be difficult' I'm referring to reports that the company did not make a large shipment when they first launched the product. Hopefully they'll get their act together and make it easier to order Phyto350, because they're on a winner here.

The Company

You get quality when you buy Skinception. That includes the expertise of a manufacturer who makes an exclusive line of skin care products and a 90 day money-back guarantee.
Phyto350 is no exception. In fact, it may turn out to be one of the company's best products. True, it's not a topical cream, but that's good for clients who understand that basis premiss. Great skin really does begin on the inside. Now with Phyto350, Skinception has an excellent product to make use of this principle.
Of course, leave it to Skinception to put its mark on any product, and they've done that with Phyto350. Unlike many so-called phytoceramide supplements, you get an advanced formula of skin-friendly vitamins. Phyto350 is clearly a Skinception product, and that's a great benefit to you, the consumer who wants to look awesome.


Skip just about every phytoceramides product on the market. Phyto350 by Skinception is the best of them, with a powerful formula and results. The product delivers visible results starting in less than a month. At three months you'll look awesome, and at six? You'll look stunning. Phyto350 truly is the best phytoceramides supplement on the market, and appears to really live up to that lofty title of how to "fake a facelift" without actually getting one.

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Why Does ClearPores Beat Out Other Acne Creams on the Market?

Clear Pores is not just another "facial cleanser" available at the local pharmacy! 

Instead, it is the most complete acne fighting system available anywhere! 

Through a combination of cleansers and creams, Clear Pores combats both facial and body acne.

Then through a daily herbal supplement Clear Pores has been clinically formulated to also combat acne from the inside out!

The Clear Pores Range

  • Deep Facial Wash
  • Facial Protection Cream
  • Herbal Supplement
  • Deep Body Wash
  • Body Protection Cream

Why Does ClearPores Beat Out Other Acne Creams on the Market?

Everywhere you go and everywhere you look there is an overwhelming amount of information and products that offer huge, too-good-to-be-true claims on how they can rid your life of acne and blemishes forever. When you walk down the drug store isle you can't even count the number of bottles and jars of creams and pills that offer you clear skin for almost no money.
But usually if something is cheap, then it generally doesn't work. How many over the counter remedies have you tried that have just ended up in your bathroom cupboard, doing nothing more than taking up space and certainly not helping to clear up your skin? If you had the chance to recoup all that money and put it toward a skin cleansing system that really worked, wouldn't your rush out to do that?
Well unfortunately the majority of drug store brand acne products don't come with a money back guarantee. And haven't you often wondered why not? Well the answer is certainly clear — those products don't work and those companies are banking on your desperation to rid yourself of acne that they will sell any concoction whether it works or not just to capitalize on your situation. That certainly isn't very ethical and so not only are you left with a dent in your wallet you are also left with skin that is still riddled with blemishes.
Well luckily for you, the folks who have spent years researching and formulating the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System really do not only know what they are doing, but put their money where their mouth is and fully guarantee their product.
The Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is a unique approach that not only works to clear up your acne and blemishes but also works to eliminate them forever. Just imagine how your life will be once you no longer are embarrassed by the condition of your skin. Yes it is time to stop relying on drugstore products that don't deliver what they promise and put your faith and effort into a company that stands behind their products and their claims to clearer and healthier looking skin that is acne free.
The Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is a three part, natural product that works from the inside and the outside to combat acne and blemishes. The facial cleansing product helps to remove dirt and irritants from the skin's surface and deep within the pores. The herbal supplement works from the inside to support your body's comprehensive systems to help reduce irritations and swelling of the skin and to ensure that the acne and blemishes do not reappear. The third component of the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System is the protection cream which not only helps to keep pores clean but acts as a moisturizer as well, giving you that healthy glow that you so want to see.
So really there is no need to suffer from the adverse affects of acne any longer. You too can feel and see the benefits of the Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System almost immediately. There is no reason to wait to have your confidence return and your outlook on life improve. Order your Clear Pores Skin Cleansing System today and look forward to a healthier, happier tomorrow.
For more information, go to

Expanding Your Marketing with Pinterest

Why Pinterest?
 Visual marketing has always been a popular tool for businesses. With the introduction of the camera phone, photos have become even more common both in business and recreation and, for many, sharing has become almost as second nature as breathing.
 Is Pinterest Part of Your Marketing Strategy?
 Up to this point, you may not have thought about Pinterest as a viable marketing outlet, however, every business has a story to tell.  Visual marketing will help you tell your story.
Since its launch in 2010, Pinterest has grown to over 70 million users and 25 Billion pins.  500,000 of their users are business accounts. Pinterest’s audience is active and already very engaged. Taking advantage of this would be a good way to expand your marketing and drive more traffic and sales to your business.
Here we’ll look at how some national brands have utilized this particular type of social media to increase their product’s appeal to more buyers.
Don’t Just Show Your Products, Show the Lifestyle They Can Create
Currently, the most popular pins on the site are fashion, food, and home decor.

  Enter Lowe’s, a brand that has worked to customize its activity to appeal to Pinterest’s audience.  Lowe’s Pinterest subjects include everything from inspiration for a new room design to gift ideas that link neatly to their online store.
The result is a digital arena of ideas and 3.5 million followers.
 Bring Pinterest to You
 Since there are still people who like the process of actually going to a store, finding an outfit, and trying it on, Nordstrom has advanced its marketing process to include Pinterest as an in-store promotional tool. The store highlights its most popular pins by showcasing on site in their store locations.
And, Nordstrom isn’t the only company integrating this new type of marketing approach. Target and others are also transitioning their in-store promotions.

Highlighting the most-pinned items in your store will encourage people to buy. Whether you sell exclusively online with eCommerce or have a brick-and-mortar location, you can highlight your most pinned products to draw more attention to them.
 Humanize Your Business
 Try forgoing the glossy marketing you may have been using up to now.  Straightforward, down-to-earth images can be just as engaging.  Just look at Ben and Jerry’s marketing to see how well it can work.

Ben & Jerry’s Pinterest boards include the History of the Company, and The People Behind the Pints.  By telling their story through pictures, they’ve provided fans with an invitation to look at their brand’s wider mission.
Your staff, stores, customers, and hometown are all worth celebrating.  Showing the human side of your brand builds a more personal relationship with your customers.
 Work to Inspire Your Audience
 Most people would probably think GE would be the last company they would see on a Pinterest board.  It would be hard to show the visual side of a manufacturing brand, so GE when another direction and chose to share the inspiration that drives them to innovate.  They found a way to draw-in their followers by making the most of their stunning pictures.

Their boards highlight specific ways their products can be used, with titles like FABULOUS Kitchens, Brilliance in Motion, Gifts for Geeks, and Under the Microscope.  GE has created an exciting, original profile that appeals just as much to style-conscious follows as it does to techies.
If you don’t think you have a Pinterest-friendly brand, try to think outside the box. Attract your followers through the images that inspire you and your brand’s innovation.
Pinterest is a great visual social platform that is increasingly becoming a powerful source of customers online for store owners.
Visual storytelling is the most popular way to reach your fans right now.  Even if you don’t feel like you have the allure that most Pinterest users like remember, it is all about cultivating a body of images that can be used to inspire your followers.
For more ideas on how to make Pinterest the next stage of your marketing campaign, check out

Your big chance is finally here

Imagine being a ‘fly on the wall’ in a fast growing multi-million dollar business and seeing ‘exactly’ how it runs and works on a day-to-day basis …
… how it makes its money … how it acquires new customers … how it turns a profit …
Then imagine getting permission to copy the exact formula to start or enhance your own online business.
How much faster could you grow your new venture?
How much time would it save you?
How much trial and error would you avoid?
Well that’s precisely what you’ll get when you …
Apply the 7-Figure Freedom Formula for just $1

 For just $1 during this ‘end of year’ special you get access to the 7-Figure Freedom Formula …
The entire 21-step system, LIVE webinars, exclusive closed door interviews with 7-figure earners, private Facebook group, PLUS some amazing bonus gifts valued at more than $567.
Click now. Deal ends soon.

Startup advice from Star Trek…

It’s not about the “4-hour workweeks.” It IS about this…

SCOTTY: She’s all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her!
CAPTAIN KIRK: Thank you , Mr. Scott. I’ll try not to take that personally.
– Star Trek
Have you read Tim Ferriss seminal work, The 4-Hour Workweek, yet?
I highly recommend it.
Many people get this book all wrong. They think it’s all about working only 4-hours a week. That that could never work for them.
But it’s not about that, at all!
Although the book’s “title” is true to what the author accomplished at one point in his life, the book is really about systems, automation, and time freedom.
It’s about being able to live and do what you LOVE in life. Not being tied down to a j-o-b or any ONE LOCATION…
Being time rich, with plenty of income to live like you want, over being time poor, with money, but no life at all. (Think of most CEOs)
It all boils down to the Star Trek quote we started off today’s note with.
It’s all about having systems and automation set up so your business practically runs itself.
Even if you could run it for 2-4 hours a DAY, from anywhere in the world; your home, while traveling, at coffee shops…
…That could be pretty great, right?
===> That’s the type of business this allows you
It was built around the 4-Hour Workweek diameters.
May take you a bit more time to get things rolling, but it’ll be 100% worth it!
Just get through the 21-steps as quickly as possible.
And also, check out the 4-Hour Workweek book, if you’d like. (Or, revisit it.) It’s changed lives.
Kevin Turnbull
PS Remember, change always happens in the present. In your corner. ðŸ™‚

Monday, 28 August 2017

Earn Online Commissions up to$10500 per sale

MTTB 21 Steps System is MOBE’s premier commission generating system. Discover how to get $1,250, $3,300 and $5,500 commissions deposited directly into your bank account without ever making a phone call.

If you have watched the Free Video you will want to know more:

What Smartwatches Mean for Email Marketing Campaigns

Both Apple and Samsung have created their own version of a smartwatch that link to a user’s respective smartphone. Users can send text messages, use a variety of smartwatch-enabled apps, to check their email.

While smartphones have brought users conveniences like Google at their fingertips, interactive messaging features, and social media apps on the go, smartwatches are on their way to doing the same thing. No need to pull out your phone when you can check your messages the same way you check the time.
Since their introduction to the market, Apple has sold over 13 million of their Apple watches. As these watches begin to penetrate mobile technology, let’s take a closer look at how that will impact email marketing campaigns.

Smaller interface means a shorter subject line
Email marketers should prioritize short, concise subject lines to make their content quick to read and easy to digest. Research on unique subject lines revealed that three-word subject lines have the highest engagement, but seven-word subject lines are most common.
Word choice is extremely important given you only get a few. When drafting a subject line, stay away from these trigger words that ranked low on engagement rate:
  • Free, help, reminder—triggers spam filters and users often associate these emails with bombarding, repetitive messages
  • Tired internet slang such as bae, fleek, ftw—rank low on open rates because they are mistaken for text messages
  • FWD: and RE: lead to a sense of deceptive familiarity and are reminiscent of chain emails – too long!
Links, hashtags, and graphics could be in trouble
Subject lines accompanied by long URLs and hashtags have less than 10% engagement. URLs and hashtags also take up valuable space in an already small screen.
Email marketers should focus on a strong call-to-action in the email body. Just as the subject line, call-to-action statements should be clear, concise, and to the point.
Without optimizing your emails, images and gifs will either not load or not appear to be the right size on a smartwatch screen. Unless you’ve tested your images and are certain they will function correctly, it’s best to forgo them.
The Apple Watch doesn’t automatically download images when it is opened, so email marketers need to prepare alternative ways to engage with their readers. Include the graphics, but switch to HTML if you haven’t already to take advantage of the tag for email images.

Clean, easy to read emails
As with certain images and graphics, there are email templates that will cause issues for smartwatch users. Most email templates are designed for desktops and laptops with HTML widths of about 600 pixels.
Email templates are often too wide for most smartphones, so it goes without saying how this would taint the viewing experience on a smartphone. These inconsistencies could also prevent horizontal scrolling.
Email marketers should consider that confined space that smartwatches have and adapt their email template to a single column format or plain text. This format is easy-to-read and doesn’t require horizontal scrolling.
Think about the face of a smartwatch and the size of your index finger. If buttons and hyperlinks are too small, there’s a possibility that you could open the wrong thing. It’s not long before a user will close an email in frustration and forget what they were going to click on entirely.
With a strong call-to-action, email marketers should consider designing action buttons that are easily accessible. Buttons should be large, visible, and easy to tap on a smartwatch screen.
Email campaigns will take a little more thinking to reach smartwatch users correctly and effectively. Now that you know how smartwatches will affect your marketing display and open rates, keeping the user experience in mind is crucial.
Your customers read your emails on a variety of devices.
 Click here for my done-for-you email system a successful email marketing campaign, regardless of the device.

Content You Didn’t Know You Had and How to Use It

Content marketing is extremely important when it comes to navigating the online world. Knowing which content to market and how is equally as important.Content marketing is extremely important when it comes to navigating the online world. Knowing which content to market and how is equally as important.

From social media to blogging, it is crucial for a business to establish its identity and find elements that express it properly. Content that is relatable and can be easily shared will take your campaigns from good to great.
How do you stay Google-relevant while maintaining a unique content marketing strategy? Read on for strategies that will enhance your next campaign.

Move past corporatization
Now more than ever, businesses have an all-access pass to their audiences. There’s no need to have a wall between corporate and the customers. Forming real relationships with the people who love you brand will not only keep them coming back, but attract others as well.
Your customers need to know that you are people just like them. Your business should express the passion that you and your employees have for what you do.
Remove the veil of mystery of your business and be more open with your customers. How do you turn openness into content?
  • Utilize social media accounts such as Twitter and Instagram to give a behind-the-scenes look at the work your company is doing
  • Confront rumors and myths through transparent and honest videos that allow your customers to interact and get involved in the process
Don’t be afraid to share those photos of late-night work sessions. Answer the questions that your customers have.
If you think that coming out and talking about some of the issues your company has, take this opportunity to address these issues and let people know you’re working on it.
Just because you’re marketing online doesn’t mean your company should get lost behind the internet. Show your customers real faces and establish trust.

Be more than just a brand
It’s one thing to sell a product and another to sell a lifestyle. Content marketing that offers a lifestyle through their products makes their products need, not just wanted.
Instead of beginning with a product, start with your targeted customer. Ask yourself the following questions when developing a targeted customer profile:
  • What is their life like at this moment, without your product(s)?
  • How would their life be better with your product(s)?
  • How does using your product make them part of a different class?
Think about how your product will fit seamlessly into the life of your targeted customer. Tailor your content to an individual customer rather than your brand.

Cater to your customers by: 
  • Engaging with unexpected topics
  • Put forward content that creates unique experiences—videos, product presentation
  • Strive to work with like-minded collaborators
  • Targeting their personalities from music tastes to fashion interests
This strategy will require more care than simply posting a somewhat-relevant blog or barely meaningful photos. Dig deep into the psyche of your customer and use your content to reach them there.

Let your followers share their story
Your followers are a big part of your success. Without them, no one’s buying your products, sharing your videos, or reading your blogs.
Content that evokes emotion through relatable or provocative stories invited audiences to share such an experience. Of course, these stories need to be real, genuine, and purposeful.
Companies that are genuine in their aim to support their customers and hear their story will be successful. Letting followers be a part of the story by sharing their experiences and attracting like-minded people will build community amongst your customers.
Create a platform where your followers can share their experiences. Be it a forum, a video-sharing challenge, or a hashtag, give your followers a chance to connect with you and others.
Knowing how your customers use your product is valuable insight that can be used to deliver creative content. Content that captures attention, is relatable, and is easy to share will take off in virality.

Set your blog, articles, and infographics apart by: 
  • Sharing information on general personal habits of your customers – people love reading about themselves!
  • Integrating attractive, original photos from your followers – stock photos are a turn off
There are a variety of resources for your company to create content from. If your business has customers, that means you have just as many stories, photos, and knowledge to share that will express your love of what you do.

Showing your customers that you are more than just a company will take you a long way. For more ideas on how to create a unique, winning content marketing strategy for your business, check out my done-for-you system.

Monday, 21 August 2017

A Halt in Traffic: Lack of Reviews is Effecting Your Business and Here’s Why

Reviews are a great way for your customers to get an idea of what your customer service is like. Through reviews they know what services your offer, how well you offer them, and the quality of your products without even leaving their home.Reviews are a great way for your customers to get an idea of what your customer service is like. Through reviews they know what services your offer, how well you offer them, and the quality of your products without even leaving their home.

Reviews are also a valuable tool for a business to know what their customers think about them. It’s a convenient way to get honest feedback of your services and find out what you need to fix to keep your customers satisfied.
What your customers say about you is just as much advertising for your business as any marketing strategy you could employ. It’s unfiltered, honest, and sometimes a bit dramatic.

While reviews can be loud and sometimes deceiving, no reviews at all can garner the same effect. Are no reviews better than bad reviews? 

Read ahead to find out.
Is your business good or bad? No one knows…

90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business. If there are no reviews, there’s no way for a potential consumer to know whether your business is worth visiting or not.
Google has made it convenient to avoid businesses that have a bad reputation without setting foot near their actual establishment. Ensuring good customer service, professionalism, and reliability are now easier than ever.
While this has made the shopping process easier on the consumer, the same can’t be said for businesses. Why would a customer visit a business with no online reviews when they can find a place that people can confirm they will have a good experience?
Place yourself in the mindset of a consumer. When you’re looking for a product or service, chances are you are not in the mood to experiment with quality and service. A business with a lack of reviews leaves much to the imagination.
Unfortunately, reviews are one of those things that without them, people will stay away. How do you get more reviews to establish the authenticity and reliability that you know your business has?
  • Encourage customers who buy a product to review your business at the check-out counter or shopping cart
  • Follow-up with a customer to see how they like their product or service and ask permission to publish their responses or quotes

Customers can’t trust your business
As with anything, rather than jump into something they know nothing about, customers like to do a little research about a business before they visit. They want to know all about who you are, what you do, and how you do it.
It’s fair to say you wouldn’t hand your money over to a stranger. Neither would a potential customer trust a business they know nothing about.
For instance, if you’re looking to get your wedding cake made, an online review of a local bakery could go a long way. What does this bakery offer? What do their cakes taste like? Are the bakers experienced in making what I want? Will they deliver on time?
You’re not going to go to a bakery that has no reviews. What if you get stuck with a cake that looks terrible or tastes… not like cake?
Your customer is the same. 72% of customers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more an 88% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Don’t make the review process a chore
It’s common for people to think “I had a good experience with this company. I don’t feel compelled to write a positive review because if my experience wasn’t positive, then I would let people know about it”.
This mentality follows the idea that people are more likely to post negative reviews rather than positive ones. You need to encourage your customers to move away from this mentality and share their good experiences, just as they share the bad.
Just because there are no positive reviews doesn’t mean there are no positive experiences—but your customers don’t know that. Increase the amount of positive reviews for your company by making the review process as easy and attractive as possible:
  • Send a direct link to your profile on review sites
  • Encourage your customer to rate your company on Facebook
  • Provide incentive for posting a review
  • Create a memorable customer service experience worth sharing
A few reviews are better than no reviews. Make it a point to share your positive reviews across social media platforms for maximum visibility.

When you chat with friends about online purchasing, you will be amazed to find the value that they place in reviews and how it influences their buying decisions. 

The importance of online reviews
Business that are “comfortable” with their following and can’t complain about their profits tend to ignore online reviews. They are satisfied with what they can see in front of them, but they have no idea how the internet could ruin their reputation or stunt them from growth.
Online reviews influence:
  • Buying decisions
  • Online rankings
  • Conversion rates
Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with “excellent” reviews. Businesses that neglect the importance of online reviews are missing out on profits. They’re not necessarily losing money but they could be making a lot more.
There will always be competitors. Online reviews affect how you fare against local competition and can keep you aware of your shortcomings.
The more honest reviews you have, the more your product will sell because customers must find out for themselves if what is being said is true. These reviews are sincere and show that your company has nothing to hide.
Click here for my done-for-you system to discover more about the power of online reviews and the success of your business or to learn more about successful internet-marketing strategies.