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Friday, 29 June 2018

5 Facebook Marketing Tips: How To Establish Your Presence On Facebook Day 3

Today I have the final two Tips on how to Establish yourself on Facebook.

Facebook Marketing Tip  4:
Start Your Own Group or Event.
You can become the trendsetter in a group of people by starting something new, or by holding a special event.
You will be seen as a leader and will be able to collect followers.
The success of these two ideas will depend on the size of your friends list, and how well you have maintained and built up your relationships.
You should always continue to build up your friends list so that you have a bigger pool of people to work with.

Facebook Marketing Tip 5: 
Using RSS,
Syndicate Your Blog on your Profile Page.
This makes your blog post show up on your profile page.
It will also help to build up backlinks for your blog.
The bonus with this kind of setup is people will take you much more seriously if they see that you have a site dealing with your common interest.
Most people don't know the first thing about setting up a site, and have a lot of respect for people that have one.
Use these Facebook marketing tips to help get more visitors to your site, and to make more sales.
 The more exposure you can get to yourself and your products.
 the more sales you will make. It really is that simple.

To get support with all you Marketing, Join the Online Alliance, a Community of like minded Entrepreneurs, dedicated to helping others achieve their goals.

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