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Thursday, 8 March 2018

If it’s become a chore to get steady sales online…

What you need to know…
Hey there, I hope you’re well?
You know, oftentimes, good hard working people hold themselves back in this biz.
They see what’s possible, but they don’t always BELIEVE it’s possible, for THEM.
Does that make sense?
It could be self doubt.
The way we were raised.
Or a plethora of other things that could be going on.
So, here’s the first step to getting more sales…
Sell YOURSELF first on what’s possible with a good, proven plan in hand.
Because a “good plan” doesn’t care who uses it to make a great income. Just as a set of dumbbells doesn’t care who uses it to get in shape!
You just have to set aside negative thoughts, and JUST DO IT.
As Socrates said long ago, “Let him who would move the world (AKA make a sale) first move himself.”
Hope this helps.
I believe in you.
Kevin Turnbull
PS This may just be a “feel-good” message that many will forget by tomorrow (which is fine by me), or it can be a call-to-action for folks to stand up and get the results they deserve…
If you’re a part of the latter, may I suggest you join us sooner rather than later?
We’d be honored to have you, and I can’t wait to see the results you may be getting inside.

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