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Saturday, 31 March 2018

What is a Sales Funnel?

If you’ve been in the internet marketing world for any amount of time, then you’ve probably heard the term “sales funnel” before.  This is a popular concept, but many people still have trouble understanding what exactly a sales funnel is.
It’s really just a way of looking the whole sales process from the first contact until the day they stop buying from you.  “Funnel” is a good analogy and makes the process easy to tweak and improve by singling out what steps work and what steps don’t.
A typical sales funnel has a few different steps.  For internet marketing, this process begins by generating traffic and directing it to an opt-in form which generates leads.  Through interaction with your list, these leads get warmed up and become prospects.  When you present them with a great product or offer, some of these prospects will turn into customers.
Attracting New Leads

 The first thing to do is to choose an enticing, niche-specific offer, or reason to come to your website.  If they’re targeting the weight loss niche, for example, then they will choose an attractive product, service, or website which is targeted to people who want to look and feel better.
Remember that you want to generate traffic that you can turn into leads.  You’ll need something enticing enough to get people to your website.  Once you’ve picked a lead generation method, the next step is turning this traffic into leads.
Landing Pages and Freebies Click HERE FOR LEADPAGES TRIAL
 The landing page is important because this is what you’ll be directing traffic to.  A landing page is just a simple, single page website that presents visitors with a free offer.  This freebie is usually something small but attractive. It could be a few short videos, an ebook, or even software.  You can either create these freebies yourself or use someone else’s with permission.
Visitors access this free offer by submitting their email address in a form posted on the page.  Once they’ve done that, they are now on your mass mailing list.  This is how traffic is converted into leads.  The entire purpose of the landing page is, in fact, to help grow your list of leads.
 When you generate a new lead, it’s important to contact this person as soon as possible.  Since most of us can’t just sit at our computer all day waiting for a new addition to our list, many marketers utilise autoresponders.  This is a type of software that will automatically email someone when they sign up, and several times afterward to keep in touch with them.
This email can be used to start building a relationship which turns leads into prospects.  The message this software sends can thank the person for signing up, deliver the free product they wanted, and possibly point them in the direction of something else they might like.
Sales Page
 The sales page is the end of the funnel (for now).  It’s where the leads you’ve generated get turned into paying customers.  There are a few different theories on creating sales pages but they generally include an attention-getting headline, some sales copy or a video, information about the product, a call to action, and bonuses to add value to the customer.
The secret to success in internet marketing is creating an effective sales funnel.  You can’t simply create a product and hope for it to sell.  You need to generate traffic, turn them into leads, follow-up multiple times, and then convert leads into customers.
To help you supercharge your efforts, you can gain insider access to some of the most effective sales funnels and high-converting products in the home business niche today by simply clicking here.

Friday, 30 March 2018

Double your Email List with Powerful Landing Pages

An effective landing page is one of the most useful tools in your marketing arsenal.  I’ve used them successfully for many years and I always advocate their use to other people.  A landing page is where all of your new web traffic is directed.  It’s the main focus of your traffic generating efforts and it’s also the first thing your visitors will see.
And contrary to what you might think, the best page for new visitor is probably NOT your homepage. A good landing page will grow your opt-in list while preselling at the same time.
Creating a Webpage
 The first step in creating a landing page is choosing the platform.  Landing pages have been made using nearly every method imaginable.  The trick is to choose one which is easy for you to use while, at the same time, making sure it works on a variety of devices and browsers.

WordPress is one of the most popular options because it is so easy to use.  It has become an industry standard platform and is versatile enough for a variety of uses.

You basically purchase a domain name and web hosting, install WordPress for free, and then install a free or paid WordPress theme (site design). Other options include things like OptimizePress (a fantastic theme for squeeze pages), Drupaal, or even basic HTML if you know how to write code.
Headlines and Sub-Headlines
 Search around and you’ll find that headlines are used in all of the most effective landing pages.  This is the first bit of text anyone will see.  It’s basically the title of your landing page and should grab the visitor’s attention.  Sometimes you will only have a few seconds to capture that person’s attention, so the headline needs to be strong.
Sub-headlines can be a great addition when using a lot of text.  You can think of these like chapter titles in a book except you’ll be using paragraphs instead of chapters.  These are great additions because people might skip over some of the text to get to the information they want. Make these strong, too, but save the most important benefits for the main headline.
Landing Page Layout
The way you design and arrange your landing pages is important.  It can be a good idea to look at a few successful examples created by other people.  The headline should be right at the top, followed by a bit of sales copy and information about the offer you’re presenting under it.
Images can also help add impact to a landing page.  Pictures of the product, as well as stock photos and other inspirational images, can help your visitors connect with your offer.  Or, in the same place, you can have a short video that says the same thing. Or both!
At the end (or usually on the right side of the screen) is the call to action which, in this case, is an opt-in form.
Videos vs Text
 For a long time, landing pages were all about text.  With web based video becoming so popular, however, many marketers are utilizing this state-of-the-art technology.
Videos make presenting information incredibly simple.  They require less work on behalf of your visitors and can deliver a large amount of information in a short period of time.  Videos are inexpensive to produce and there are a number of ways to have one created for you.
Opt-in Box
 The opt-in box is a simple form which allows visitors to submit their email address.  They usually do this in exchange for a free gift.  This is the main purpose of your landing page.  When they fill out the form, their address is added to your opt-in mailing list.  You can now keep in touch with these leads and present them with great new offers later on.
Building effective landing pages is a bit of an art, and testing to see what works is more scientific.  It can be hard to figure out exactly what works over time.  If you’ve tried everything and still aren’t seeing your list explode, then it’s time to discover the secret—the 4th ingredient to my master Sales Formula can instantly double your income overnight. Find out how by clicking here now.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

If you know what to do, but the results aren't happening, yet…

The few things that ring in the sales…
If you’re wanting to build a lifestyle friendly business that produces a fantastic income with minimal effort?
It’s important you focus on the 2-3 things that can bring you the top shelf results you want.
For example:
If you’d like to hit $10K months, there are really only a few areas to focus on.
*You can increase daily leadflow, so you can get more customers and sales flowing in.
*You can sell those customers more often.
*Or, you can increase your PROFIT MARGINS per customer by increasing the value and pricing of your offers.
Now, that’s not rocket science? You probably already know all this, right?
But where it gets hairy?
It’s in the execution. ðŸ™‚
The founder of Apple knew this… He once said, that to him, “Ideas are worth nothing unless executed. Execution is worth everything.”
And that’s why I’m reaching out to you today…
If we’re in this to create “lifestyle friendly” incomes together? I’ve found that nothing works better than by focusing on increasing our profits per customer.
Once you go from $7 commissions to $1K up to $10K commissions…
That changes the entire game of what we’re able to do for ourselves and our families, even if we can only do this on a very part-time basis.
If you’re open to it…
Our first goal, after you’re up to speed, will be to get your first commission up to $1,000 headed your way in the next 30 days or so.
Right now you get a coach. a guarantee.
and a proven system that’s working for folks from all walks of life.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Big Commissions, easy to start…

A-B-C plan to your next $1k commission…
If you’d like to escape a soul-sucking j-o-b? And/or do something more fun and fulfilling on the side?
(Works for retirees too!)
It stands to reason that the LESS you have to learn and do, the quicker and more profitable you’ll be?
Complicated just overwhelms us and holds us back from often even starting!
Simple and less is better. ðŸ™‚
Just like a dieter TAKES AWAY sugar from their diet and reveals a “fit” angel in the stone…
Take away as many “tasks” on your plate as possible, and you can have a simple system on your hands you can profit from every month like clockwork.
That’s why I wanted to reach out…
If you’re willing to carve out a little time to start getting your first $1,000 sale in as little as 30 days from now?
It’s simple to use.
It’s PROVEN as it’s worked for moms, dads, retirees, students, burned out corporate execs, and folks from all walks of life.
Millions in commissions have been paid out already.
You get a guarantee.
You get a free coach.
You just have to be willing to follow the simple plan for about 30 to 60 a day, ideally.
Would you like to join us?

Kevin Turnbull

Monday, 26 March 2018

Tired? Yet want to build up a nice side-income?

Simple “steps” to a low-stress side-biz…
It’s no secret that in order to live life on our terms, and to build up a tidy income stream on the side?
We need ENERGY to do it…
The problem is, if we attack the same task over and over again, it sucks the energy out of us!
Only until we move our first foot forward will the low energy and “lack of focus” feelings melt away.
Then it’s replaced with fuel and fire that will propel us straight to the lifestyles we want for us and our families!
The key is to NOT be stagnant like pond water.
Immerse yourself in your biz.
Imperfectly take daily action.
Your energy will skyrocket (no red bull needed) and you can watch your business and profits finally start to take off.
As the philosopher William James once stated:
“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.”
What SMALL step can you take today that will start you walking towards the goals and lifestyle you deserve?
If you’d like a solid, proven plan to help?
Small daily steps with this system can haul you in a nice side-income, part-time.
Many have made millions with it, others have made a healthy 6-figures, and yet many others are content with just getting an extra $1K plus commission rolling in a few times each month.
Which would you like?
Our FIRST goal will be $1K in 30 days.
How soon before you’d like to start?
All the best!

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Want an INSTANT pay-raise? (try this)

It boils down to one strategic choice…
Would you like to give yourself an instant pay raise?
In a career, you’d likely have to work more hours, get a bigger degree, or climb up the corporate ladder for years to get a decent pay raise.
So how do we pull it off?
Give your “side-gig” a pay increase.
This is ALL about the choices and strategies we execute on as part-time entrepreneurs!
For example:
You can earn “minimum wage” commissions up to $7 to $97 for all your hard work in your business.
Or, you can give yourself an instant pay raise by running a biz that gives you higher-ticket commissions, up to $1K to $10K per sale.
Make sense?
*Working longer hours isn’t required.
*You don’t need to go back to college.
*No corporate ladders to keep scaling.
That’s the beauty of our times… and the sort of businesses we can build up for ourselves with the power of the internet, and Strategic Partnerships…
It shouldn’t be a struggle to have a nice income on the side, with part-time effort.
Not with a business like the one in the link above, which we can align ourselves with today.
If it’s a fit for you, you can increase your pay whenever you’re ready to start…
In your corner.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Tried and Tested Ways To Get Your Business Rolling on Facebook

This video lets you in on some key steps to utilising Facebook for business. It comes with steps that are easy to follow and implement, and will help you to achieve your business goals in no time.

For Further Facebook Marketing Strategies CLICK HERE

Don't forget to Sign up for your Copy of this New
Business and Investing publication: 

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Reach Your Goals Faster with High-Power Work Sessions

A lot of people hoping to make money online are limited to working at it just a few hours per day or less. If you’re working a day job and are frustrated that you can’t spend more time becoming financially free, I have some good news for you.

Do you know what’s even more effective than having more time to work? Getting as much as you possibly can out of the time you do have available.

The reason is that if you’re not focused and effective during a short period of time, then having all day would just mean more wasted time. As a mentor of mine once said, “If you can’t make money in your spare time, you can’t make money full-time.”

So, here are 5 proven tips I want to share, based on what modern neuroscience has shown (not motivational fluff), that will help you to get even closer to your income goals in less time.

How Our Brains Work Against Us 

There’s a meme floating around called “Scumbag Brain” that jokes about how the human brain works against us sometimes instead of doing what we want it to. For example…It’s easy to get motivated, but hard to stay disciplined.

Perhaps you’ve noticed that gritting your teeth and relying on willpower alone is not enough.

Think of the last time you were on an exercise program that did not last. You went to the gym religiously for several weeks…until you caught a cold, or missed a day. Then, it was back to your old habits and behaviour again—not to mention feelings of guilt and self-blame (which make it even harder to bounce back).

The key is to avoid self-criticism by understanding how your mind works. We all get lazy or have setbacks. The key is to get back on track again quickly when (not if) it happens.

Schedule 90-120 Minute Time Blocks

The easiest way to get something done is to set a specific time and place to do it, and then show up when the time comes. Otherwise, your goals and plans are not concrete enough, and you can fall into the procrastination trap.

It’s also a fact that people can only stay focused and productive for 90 to 120 minutes at a time, before we need a rest or diversion. It’s impossible to stay ultra-productive all the time. Don’t even bother trying.

Instead, schedule blocks of time when you’ll be doing nothing but working, and when it’s over, STOP. Take a 15-20 minute break, or wrap it up for the day.

Also, treat your scheduled commitment to yourself as seriously as you would your job. Isn’t it just as important?

Prioritise Your Top 5 Items

It helps to list the top 5 tasks to accomplish each day, preferably the night before. Then, when the time comes to work, work on one thing at a time, starting with the most important action item of the day.

When it’s finished, move on to item #2, and so on, until done. Do NOT try to do two things at once! Multi-tasking is a myth and a joke.

It gives people the illusion that they are getting more done, but in reality you lose concentration while switching back and forth between items because it takes time for the mind to get caught up again.

Create an Environment for Focused Work

Your performance is affected the environment you’re in and the tools available to you, positively or negatively. Give your body and mind what they need to perform by setting up your workspace for success.

Before you start, clear out the clutter and remove any potential distractions. Have only one window open on your computer. Get away from email, phone, and social media until your work block is over. You can schedule a separate session for phone calls and email.

I have also found that upbeat music helps me move more quickly, as long as it’s not too distracting (and no vocals—otherwise my mind pays attention to the lyrics).

Take a Fun Break!

Lastly, don’t forget to give yourself the rest you need, in order to have the concentration reserves you need to fuel your work.

So make a point to schedule periods each day for breaks, leisure, and fun as well as working on your business. It’s just as important if you want to be consistent in the long run!

Hopefully you will find these tips to be as helpful as they were for me while growing my own 7-figure income!

Also, if you want to get even more done and make even more money in less time than you can achieve through your own efforts, consider licensing and promoting other people’s info products and sales funnels, rather than creating them all from scratch.

To find out how even brand-new students are making thousands per week with no website, no product, and no list, just by spending 30 minutes per day following a proven method, click here for details.

Try the New Business and Investing Publication 

Tip from The 4-Hour Workweek… (work less, more pay)

I Hope you had a Good Week, How Many Hours have you put in........
is it over, have you brought things home with you?
Independence and income starts here.
I feel one of the top reasons Tim Ferriss book, The 4-Hour Workweek, has been such a top hit for years and years…
Is that it opens up the “possibility” for many people, that there are other options outside of the normal 9 to 5, grind it out type of lifestyle that most are stuck in.
Because here’s a powerful truth very few will ever realize, much less stop and implement for themselves and their families:
We can DESIGN our life to exactly how we want it!
Just as a home and our clothing all have designers?
We can either design our life to give us everything we ever wanted out of it..
Or, we can stay stuck, living within the constraints and designs of OTHERS.
It all begins by sitting down with a pad and pen, and jotting down exactly how our ideal DAYS and YEARS look like for us and us alone.
Now I’m not sure where you’re at right now?
But if you’d like to work less hours, and still earn a lucrative income on the side?
If that fits within your designs…
May I suggest you check this out?
People from all walks of life, young and old, are doing very well with this system that’s bringing them high-ticket commissions on the side, consistent as clockwork.
In your corner.
Will you ready to do the same again next week?

Friday, 16 March 2018

Got 30 minutes a day? ($10K+/mo potential)

The first step to getting what we want (and deserve) in our life is to get CLEAR on what “blanket statements” mean to us.
Without this clarity our chance of success gets drowned out in the murky muddy pool of confusion and overwhelm…
For example:
What does that mean, FOR YOU?
Millions in the bank?
A worry free life, with zero debt?
Maintaining a certain standard of living?
Getting rich and staying rich?
Again, if we’re not clear about what we personally want, we won’t be able to put together a clear plan to make it happen.
Owning a Lambo may not light us up, but being debt free and having $300K sitting in the bank, free-and-clear MAY??
I don’t know what it is for you?
Yet, here’s what I DO know…
In nearly every plan, nearly no one will want to be working more and more!
We don’t want to have to work 40, 50, 60, 70+ hour weeks, just to get by.
Because TIME is our most valuable asset!
Income we can get back.
Not lost time with family and friends.
We can’t get back years lost on things that weren’t truly important to us.
This is coming from my heart here.
That’s why I try to focus my own biz, and, helping others to earn a great income, that still gives them plenty of TIME to do the things most important to them.
I’ve got a great plan that may help.
Would you like to join us?
Goal one will be to get your first $1K commission in as soon as the next 30 days.
Then, we can get you to $10K months from there.
You’ll need to be willing to follow the step-by-step system…
You’ll have a proven plan in hand, and Big Commissions can be headed your way… on the BACK-END of OTHERS selling the top tier offers, for you…
*Zero experience is needed.
Hope this helps.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

“Push button” tricks, NOT REQUIRED…

It’s a process, not a secret.
If you’d like to earn significantly more, without working more?
It doesn’t require some “push button” secret or little-known strategy.
All you need to do is put out MORE offers of perceived value (OPV).
Need to earn more?
Make more offers of value to others.
Then adjust accordingly to your income goals.
Cash is SIMPLY an exchange of value.
Would you pay $1K for an ebook?
Not likely…
Would you invest $1K for a system that can get you $1K back in 30 days, with less than 30 minutes per day of work?
And then you can hit $10K months in 90 days or less? (Plus you get help & a personal coach…)
THAT is an OPV (offer of perceived value)
Make sense?
This stuff doesn’t have to be hard.
Another thing you can do is increase the VALUE (and profits) of your offers.
You’ll need to be willing to use their step-by-step traffic plan.
Then the system can land big deals for you on the back-end of their biz model.
You also get a COACH to support you right now, although I’m not sure how long spots will be open?
Here for you.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

If you’re not popping out of bed Happy… (and free)

Prerequisites and requirements inside…
Do you know the STATS?
92%+ folks that hop online and want to change their life, never will.
They’ll buy the courses.
They’ll dream of freedom.
And they’ll lather. rinse. repeat.
Usually they won’t even TRY to get a result they want.
Here’s a quote to remember:
“Life doesn’t transform by consuming insights, but by TESTING them.”
Most people don’t start because they are afraid they’ll make one eeny teeny mistake.
Yet that is a PART of the process!It MUST happen.

Just like a plane traveling from one spot to another must course correct MANY times.
Better to take hold of the quote above?
The failure has nothing to do with you or your worth. You’re amazing. Simply view it as an “experiment” towards getting you what you want.
Willing to do that?
Again, it’s a prerequisite.
The result of viewing this biz like you are a scientist in the lab, testing what works, and learning from what doesn’t?
It can result in a life most only dream of.
I don’t say that lightly:-)
It may get you to $10K mos, part-time.
Don’t forget to check out the guarantee.
All the best.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Is Fear of Failure holding you back from $1K+ commissions?

Conquer your fears of failing, replaces it with more fulfilment, freedom, and income…

Why do so many hop into this business, full of good intentions, but they don’t do anything with what they learn?
While I do get the “discomfort” of trying out new things…
Oftentimes, it’s simply fear of failure being placed in the wrong spots.
For example, many hard-working, smart and savvy people may let fear get in the way of them running their first Facebook Ad.
Or to send out their first marketing related email, or to put on a webinar and make an offer.
But here’s the thing…
Even a very IMPERFECT ad, email, or webinar can get you to $10K per month in profit. (Or, much more that.)
Imperfect actions is what drives results.
Just my thoughts here, but it could be more effective if we view what we are doing as “versions”?
(Sort of like Apple, FB, Microsoft, and just about every other business does.)
This way you can get something out the door, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.
It’s Version 1.0
If version 1 blows up, that’s fine.
But more than likely…
You’ll start getting leads and sales, and you can always improve to 2.0 later on if you’d like.
If you can just DO IT… with massive imperfect action, the payoff can be very big for you.
And it’ll always be worth it.:-)
If you’d like help?
===> Try this
Most of the work has already been done.
You’ll just have to be willing to follow their simple plan to drive leads into your business you can have access to.
Which can result in up to $1K to $10K commissions rolling your way.
All by taking consistent, little, imperfect actions.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Canada Tops the World again!!

Well it is Official..

Canada, the No 1 Tourist destination in the World for 2017.
So I can hear the groan of the Canadian Nationals now, this means more tourists than ever in 2018.

However it also provides a massive boost to the economy.

So what is bringing all the Tourists in?
Is it the Views 

The Cities?

The Wildlife?

America's neighbours to the north have topped Lonely Planet’s “Best In Travel” list for 2017
Lonely Planet names Canada’s reputation for “inclusiveness and impeccable politeness” as a major selling factor, along with “exciting fusion food and mysteriously underrated wine.” 

Have you been?
Going again?

One on you 'Bucket List'?

To see all Canada has to offer will need more than the Standard two weeks holiday.

How can you get the time to see it, do it and love it?

How about your own online business earning as much or even more than you are now? You could even work this as you travel, once established, it could only take as little as 30 minutes a day to maintain.

You will not have to go in the Lottery for the Holiday dates you want.
You will not have to worry about What you will be coming back to at you J.O.B, you have it with you.

See you in Canada Next This Year.....

Well Canadians - with all these incoming visitors where will you vacation?