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Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Why your Small Business Needs Periscope

In case you aren’t sure what Periscope is, it’s a live streaming video app that was purchased by Twitter in 2015. The allure of Periscope is that it allows you to ‘Go Live’ from anywhere, at any time, while anyone in the world can watch you via your mobile device.
There are over ten million users on the platform today, so needless to say if you’re not using it, you’re missing out on some markets that might be of use to your business. If you can conceive of any way your company can put Periscope to use, you should do so. Today.
So why does your small business need to be on Periscope? Let’s take a look at a few reasons.
Market Saturation
Or lack thereof. The market for Periscope isn’t as saturated as other social media behemoths like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It’s still in its growing phase, and hopping on board now would go a long way toward getting in ahead of the game.
Many large businesses have yet to make this technology a part of their marketing strategy, leaving plenty of opportunities for small companies to jump in and fill the gaps.
New Followers
A new social media platform means a new follower base. Those that follow you and your business on other social media sites are not necessarily the same ones that are going to follow you on Periscope.
The Periscope market offers a whole new list of bloggers, small business owners, and marketers that weren’t available before joining Periscope. Connecting with this group of followers provides the opportunity to move them over to your other social media platforms as well.
Engage in Real-Time
When it comes to engaging and responding to customers, nothing beats being able to see and react immediately via a live stream. Facebook and Twitter response times are nice, but customers will appreciate the immediacy and personal connection the Periscope provides.
Today’s society seeks instant gratification – we want it now – otherwise, users will move on and find what they want somewhere else. Periscope allows for real-time engagement and gives followers actively involved in the feed the answers they are seeking in the moment.
Showcase Your Business
Periscope provides an opportunity to show off your business and show followers what happens behind the scenes. Customers want authenticity, and what is more authentic than looking directly at your followers as you speak to them live?
You are no longer a faceless brand or company; people get to talk and interact with you, which drives the personal connect aspect of brand loyalty. Natural and organic conversation leads to followers knowing, liking, and trusting you, which leads to future decisions made in your favor.
Untapped Opportunities
Since Periscope is relatively new to the social media marketplace, businesses are still learning how to use the platform to interact with customers. The opportunities are limitless, but most commonly companies will offer live tutorials, product releases, special promotions, or live shows. Use your business to come up with new and creative ways to promote via Periscope.
Build Relationships
Communicating in real-time with followers offers the opportunity to have a more meaningful and involved discussion with someone. It can be fun to fully engage with those that are invested in your company and learn more about one another.
Consider for a moment what Periscope is offering. Through what other method can you pick up your phone, point it at yourself and begin communicating immediately with people from all over the world? If you’re able to do a good enough job of interacting and engaging with your followers, they might just buy what you have to sell. 
Check out my ready to use lead generation system for more information.

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